A temporary licence, from 1st June 2014 to 28th September 2014, for the use of Asulox has been granted for control of bracken in grassland by the Pesticide Controls Division (PCD) of the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine.
Asulox (Pesticide Control Service Product Number, PCS No. 04953 ) was granted Emergency Use from the 01/06/14 to 28/09/14 inclusive for use on Grassland (amenity & established), and Forestry. NO OTHER USES. Re restrictions, the use on grassland is for bracken control only. The advice from the Department of Agriculture is to purchase only what you are going to use, use according to the label recommendations, and keep an accurate record of where, when and how much product was used, along with the justification for use and the amount of water used.
*N.B. See below for warning – re use of Asulox on Conservation Sites (SAC/SPA/NHA)
Bracken Control
- Fronds must not be damaged by stock, frost (bronzed and stunted fronds) or by cutting before treatment.
- DO NOT apply during or immediately after drought periods or in conditions of high temperature and low humidity.
- DO NOT cut bracken for at least 4 weeks after spraying to permit movement of ASULOX to rhizome buds; preferably leave undisturbed until late autumn.
- DO NOT admit stock for 4 weeks after treatment to avoid a) trampling of treated fronds and b) the risk of poisonous weeds such as ragwort being rendered palatable by the treatment.
- At least 6 weeks should elapse between applying ASULOX and sowing or planting any subsequent crop.
- DO NOT use adjuvants with ASULOX in forestry situations when over-spraying trees.
*Under the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 it is a legal requirement to obtain consent from the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht prior to applying pesticides, including herbicides on Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Natural Heritage Areas (NHA). It is a requirement of Cross Compliance that permission is sought in these cases and application without this permission is a breach of regulations and could lead to penalties and prosecution.
For further information you may contact us or call NPWS on 1800 405000.